Mercey Island Psychiatric Hospital

Also known as Arkham Psychiatric

Mercey Island Psychiatric Hospital, located on Mercey Island, has served Gotham City for over century. It was originally a family mansion, commissioned to be built by Elizabeth Mary Arkham back in 1919. Arkham Mausoleum was built underneath their mansion, and eventually, in 1955, they abandoned the house in favour for a bigger house in a different, less crappy area of Gotham. The mansion was then converted into a funeral home specifically for the Arkhams. And then it was abandoned. So after a few decades of it sitting abandoned, they, in 1973, turned it into a prison. They destroyed the interior entirely, and rebuilt the inside to include jail cells, offices and other things like that.

It saw many subsequent additions and more dangerous criminals, permitting "special containment" for metahumans like Dr. Viktor A. Schivel Fries, Basil "Baz" Karlo, Waylon Jones and more.

Arkham Penitentiary was condemned in 2011 due to critical structural integrity flaws that made the building unsafe, with all of its inmates transferred to the (at the time) newly constucted Blackgate Penitentiary right before several sections of it collapsed. They reopened it a few months later under the new name.

Oh also there's gonna be photos of the main doctors/therapists too!!

Arkham Psychiatric has a poor security record and high recidivism rate, at least with regard to the high-profile cases—patients, such as the Joker, are frequently escaping at will— and those who are considered to no longer be mentally unwell and discharged tend to re-offend. Furthermore, several staff members, including its founder, Dr. Amadeus Arkham, and his nephew, director Dr. Jeremiah Arkham, as well as security chief Lyle Bolton, have become mentally unwell.

In addition, prisoners with unusual medical conditions that prevent them from staying in a regular prison are housed in Arkham. For example, the hitman Viktor Fries better known by his nom de plumes Mr. Freeze or Dr. Zero has not been found by the court to be mentally ill, but he requires a strongly refrigerated environment to stay alive; Arkham, with special conditions required for certain patients or inmates being a regularity rather than an exception, is seen by authorities to be an ideal location under certain circumstances.

Gotham criminals deemed "criminally insane" or "mentally unfit" by the court of law generally are treated at Williams Medical Centre before being deemed dangerous enough to be sent to Arkham Psychiatric Hospital.

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blahblahblah this is annoying yaddayaddayadda